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Donor Wall

Take a bow! On behalf of Articipate Grant Recipients who benefit from your private and public financial support, thank you to all donors of the Articipate Endowment Fund.

This electronic Donor Wall pays tribute to the vision and leadership shown by a community who support of a flourishing local art scene. All annual gifts, bequests and gifts in memorial of $50 and more are included because together, we’ve built a strong cultural legacy for years to come!


Government of Ontario | Gouvernement de l’Ontario
Minto Foundation Inc.
John and Jennifer Ruddy
The William Shenkman Foundation

$100,000 – $249,999

Singhal Family Foundation

Forum Equity Partners Inc.

$25,000 – $99,999

Richard Abboud et Jitanjli Datt
Bel-Air Lexus Toyota
Conseil des arts AOE / AOE Arts Council
Dust Evans Lawyers / Avocats
Simone et John Joanisse
LaLande+Doyle Architects Inc.
MBNA Bank of America
Orléans Star – L’Express
Ottawa Citizen
Louise Ouellette et Denis Vézina
Vibrant and Sustainable Fund – Fonds dynamique et durable
Ottawa Community Foundation
Ottawa School of Art – École d’Art d’Ottawa

$10,000 – $24,999

Atomic Motion
Chambre de commerce d’Orléans – Orléans Chamber of Commerce
The KTL Group, Inc.
Ottawa School of Theatre – L’École de théâtre d’Ottawa

$5,000 – $9,999

Maureen Shenkman
Place d’Orléans

$2,500 – $4,999

Lyne et Ronald Caza
Doug Feltmate & Lisa DiNoble
Régimbal Promotions Ltd.
Jim Keay Lincoln Ford
Victoria Steele
Heather Jamieson and Jean-Eudes Haché

$1,000 – $2,499

The Bertschi Family – David, Jason, Matt, Jenn & Chris
Conseiller Rainer Bloess Councillor
Jennie and Ted Johnston
Louise LaLande & Philippe Doyle
MacInnis-Léonard Family
Caroline Obeid and Mark Nassim
Jim Orban
Ottawa Beta Sigma Phi
Chantal Rodier et Guy Gosselin
Dr. Sharleen Tan, Orthodontist
Christine & Ghislain Tremblay
In Memory of Sheila Watts
Stephen M. Adler
Cassandra Marlee Olsthoorn
Rachel Duchesne

$50 – $999

Gabriel Abbott-Leblanc
Alan Dean Photography
Jean-Pierre Allaire
Susan Ashbrook
J. Atherton Family
G. R. Babcock Family
Bailey Family
Mark & Tracy Baker
Jacqueline L. Ballhorn
Matthew Barnes
Megan Barnes
Diane Barnett
Katrina Barrett
BCFSO Insurance Brokers
Joanne Beaubien
Beiersdorfer Family
Carol Belchamber
Tia Belle-Isle
Conseiller Michel Bellemare Councillor
Sarah C. Benfield
Loretto Beninger
Katherine Bishop
Zygo and Jennifer Lynne Blaxell
Hans & Marianne Blokpoel
Susan Blyth-Schofield
Angela Bolick
Danielle Bolick
Nicole Bolick
Susan & Ted Bolick
Leslie A. Bond
Gilles Bouchard
Gisèle Bourgeois
Garry and Cavelle Bowes
Sheree Bradford-Lea
Mary J. Brett
André Brisebois
Camille Brisebois
In Memory of Penny Brown
Claudette Brûlé
Nancy E. Burke
Business Club d’Orléans
Patrica Butchart
Kayla Butt
Bytown Beat Chorus
Laudalina M. Cabral
Margaret-Jane Campbell
Judith Cane, Ian and Sam Fisher
Capital Chordettes
Margaret Carver
Arlette Castonguay
Centre Séraphin-Marion d’Orléans
David Chadala
Mélanie Champagne
Patrick Champagne
Les Chansonniers d’Ottawa
Diane et Richard Charlebois
Denis et Julie Chauret
Chénier Family
Chhangur Family
John H. Chibuk
Chorum Chamber Choir
Richard F. Clark
Famille Jean-François Claude Family
Club Photo Orléans Photo Club
Connie Collette-Cole
John Cook
Coro Vivo Ottawa Inc.
Yvonne and Fern Côté
Aline et Michel Coulombe
Irelande M. Finsten Crossan
Jacqueline H. Finsten Crossan
Rachel et Séan Crossan
Cuisine et Passion
Cumberland Community Singers
Michael & Catrina Curran
Laura Cyr
Julia Scarlett Dan
Stephen Decker Family
Dennee Family
Erika Déruaz
Domenic Di Loreto
Matthieu Doell
Famille Shawn Doherty Family
Betty Dolan
Conseiller Clive Doucet Councillor
In Memory of Caroline Ann Doyle
Jean-Guy Doyon
Marie-Jeanne Drew
Yvan R. Dubeau
André et Carmen Dufault
Frances Dunn and Paul Caron
Ernie and Virginia Dupuis
Leonard Dupuis
Stephanie Dupuis
Cecilia Dwyer
John Dwyer
Liam Joseph Dwyer
Doreen Dyet
Noëlla Dyet
Virginia Dyet
Renée Dykeman
East End Theatre
Renée Edmunds
Audreen M. Ellis
Richard C. Ellis
Christina Embleton
Peter and Jacquie Embleton
William Embleton
Brad Evans
In Memory of Flo & Ted Fancott
Fédération des Femmes Canadiennes-Françaises d’Orléans
Wendy Feldberg
Alison & Anna Feltmate
Françoise Ferguson Brazeau
Susan Flemming
Donna Fleras
Margo & Don Ford
Guy et Claudette Forget
Marilyn Foster
Sean Freill
Friend of the Orléans-Cumberland Community Resource Centre
Judith Froome
Barbara & Paul Fulford
Elizabeth Galindo-Bloch
Anne Pallascio Galipeau
Claude Antoine Galipeau
Louis Pallascio Galipeau
Miriam “Mimi” Galipeau
Paul Mathieu Galipeau
Cody Oatway
Oded Ravek Family
Adrian Marc Olsthoorn
Johannus Olsthoorn
Logan Ethan Olsthoorn
Orleans Gardens Chiropractic
Keith O’Rourke
Ottawa Artisans Guild
The Ottawa School of Speech & Drama
Ottawa Voyageurs Walking Club / Club de marche des voyageurs d’Ottawa
Marc Ouimet-McPherson
Out of the Box Fibre Art Group
Geneviève Painchaud
Nicolas Pantieras & Family
Alenka Paquet
En mémoire de Denise J. Parent
Karine Parent-Girard
Louis et Nicole Patry
Bronte Patterson
Kashtin Patterson
Tristan Patterson
Emily Pearlman
Lise & Denis Perrault
Émélie Perron-Clow
Jonathan Perron-Clow
Hugh V.W. Phillips
Norman Pirollo
Susan & Dennis Pitt
Linda Platt
Marc Poirier
Thérèse Poulin
Kaitlyn Poupore
Keri Poupore
Adam T. B. Pyne
Jana A. B. Pyne
Sevren B. Pyne
Terrence F. Pyne
Stephen Quick
Rag & Bone Puppet Theatre
Jessica Reeve
Martha Reeve
Terry Rempel-Mroz
Martin Rice
Amanda Ricketts
Éric et Lorraine Robineau
Famille Frank Rodgers Family
Francine & Yvon Rodrigue
James & Lise Rody
Roney-Heney Family
Maureen Rooney Mitchell
Helen Rosseau
Anik Roy
Daniel Roy
Donald et Lise Roy
Martin Roy
Michel Roy
Shawnah Roy
Linda Russell
Eliane Saheurs
Joe Salazar
In Memory of Joan Salgo
Lydia Salgo
Salon Funéraire Heritage Funeral Home

Royal Galipeau, MP
Stephen & Margie Lee Gallagher
Allan & Jocelyne Garbutt
Victor R. & Linda Mae Garbutt
Jenna Gasper
Sharron Gebert
Christine Gendron
Fiona Gilfillan
Rachna & Ian Gilmore
Sophia Giroux-Radisch
Gloucester Community Concert Band
Gloucester Pottery School
Norm Goddard
Mélanie Gosselin
Stéphane Gosselin
Thérèse et Léonard Gosselin
Bernard et Mariette Grandmaître
Gray / Coughlan Family
Zachary T. Gray
Carol-Anne Grenier
Kaera Griffin
Groupe S&S Bolton Group
Laura Grunder
Marguerite Grünwald
Lucía Guerrero
Maria Guevremont
Louisa Haché
Marion Jean Hall
Lucie Hallé
Joya and Drew Halpenny
Shirley Hamre
Richard Hancox
Doreen Hardiman
The Harding Family
Luvai Hassanali
Zaahra Hassanali
In Memory of Ann Heard
Chris and Sandy Heard
Phyllis Heath
Heron / Ebery Family
Heron / Hopkinson Family
Betty Hoff
Herbert G. Hoff
Marlene Hoff
Samantha & Christina Hollands
Katherine Howarth
Shannon Howarth
Sophia Hullin
In Memory of Charles Maddison
Innescents Floral Design
Ruby Ireland
Frances Isaac
In Memory of the Hon. Donald and Barbara Jamieson
Johanna Jansen
April Jarrett
Jennifer Jarvis
Laura Jellett
Catherine Jellett
Conseiller Rob Jellett Councilor
Susan Jellett
James Jette
Melanie Rose Jette
Aline Joanis
Sonia Joanis
Micheline Joanisse
Johnston Family
Johnstone Family
Jayne Jonker
Anne Jutras
Terrie Kember
Fried Kemper
John Kemper
Michael & Lynda Kemper
Francis & Katie Kenny
Sheila King
John and Joan Klenavic
Barbara Kloepfer
David Knight-Martin
Chantal Lafontaine & Martin Patterson
Steve Langlois
Jessi Langston
Pappy Langston
Patrick Langston
Irfôna Larkin
Marie Larocque Cazabon
Roger Larose
Ned & Diane Lathrop
Laureate Gamma Sigma Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi
Yves Le Gal
Guy-Michel Lebel
Richard Lebel
Émilie Lebel-Lessard
Annette et Wilbrod Leclerc
Alton Legault
Denis, Nathalie et Sophie Legault
Isabella Lévêque
Dr. Todd R. Lewis Dentistry Professional Corporation
Tom and Mary Little
Marie Lizotte
Loch Murray Dancers
The Loveridge Family
Erin MacDonald
Sam MacDonald
Macdonnell-Hopkins Family
Denyse Mageau
Carter Malette
Jordan Malette
Lise Malette
Eric Manherz
Manoir Portobello Manor
Alan and Pam Marjerrison
Jag Maru
Dr. Mike Mattinen & Dr. Lyne Rivet
Marie McCormack
Famille Eric McKay Family
Phil & Anna Marie McNeely
Mi Casa Theatre
Louise Michaud
Elena Milito
Sofie Milito
Sue Mills
Conseiller Bob Monette Councillor
Andrew Moore
Renata Morawiecka
Alan Morissette
Marjorie Mueller
Robert Murrell
Jérémy Nantel-Saint-Fort
Albert-Nicholas Nassrallah
National Capital Network of Sculptors
The Nevins Family
AnnMarie Nielsen
M. Santerre
Kellie Sarazin
Hellmut & Margaret Schade
Karen J. Scott
Thomas Scott
Carolle Séguin and David Edmunds
Ann Seman
Margaret Shaw
Fred Sherwin and Family
Lois Siegel
Sinclair Chicago de Hildebrand
Diane Smith
Hayden Alexander Smith
Sydney Smith
Tyler Smith
Cassia Snyder
Gwen Snyder
Michel & Chantal Soucy
Jackie Squires
Lynne Stacey
Nicole St-Amand
Victoria Steele
Josette et Jean Ste-Marie
Sterling Family
Hailey Stewart
Peter and Cynthia Stewart
En mémoire d’Elizabeth St-Jean Savoie
Frances M. Stronach
Dawn Stroz
Alastair Swan
Kira Swan
Rosemary Swan
Tara Luz Danse
Katherine Taylor
Mike Taylor
The Promenade
Théâtre du Village d’Orléans inc.
Patricia Thibault
Richard Thibault
Sean Thibault
Trejo Letechipía Family
Christopher Tremblay
Karina Tremblay & Christian Abbott-LeBlanc
Sidney K. Treml
Louise Valle
Jeannine van Berkel
Cathy Velazquez
Vintage Stock Theatre
Chloé Vuicic
George Vuicic
Jessica Vuicic
Wall Space Gallery
David N. Ward
Hon. Jim Watson, MPP
Fiona Watts
Gordon Watts
Patricia Watts
Wealth Strategies
Barbara Welke
Sue Widyaratne
Peter & Gerri Wilkes
Gerda J. Wolker
Olivia Woods
Robert Woods
In Memoriam of Dorothy Wynes
You Deserve It
The Yuill Family
Nicole Zuger

Donor Wall

Once upon a time there was a basement and a volunteer teacher and 11 theatre students … and, well, almost 29 years later, here we are in the Shenkman Arts Centre with a new name, offering theatre classes to over 500 students year-round in both English and French!

Kathi Langston
Artistic Director, Ottawa School of Theatre

The ARTicipate Endowment Fund brings a vital support to the Ottawa School of Art’s programs and activities. The Fund helps the School enrich its participation to special events with an active participation of its talented and experienced art instructors.

Mélanie Ouimet-Sarazin
Administration Officer, Ottawa School of Art

Over the past 9 years, the Gloucester Pottery School’s Dust Evans Gallery has exhibited 54 professional artists with the support of the ARTicipate Endowment Fund. These artists have come from all over the Quebec and Ontario regions. The artists have been able to showcase their work and gain valuable exposure for their craft.

Wendy Snyder
Administrator, Gloucester Pottery School