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Announcing 2024-25 Project Grant Recipents!

Arts Network Ottawa is thrilled to announce that with the 2024 grant recipients of 11 projects and $25,000, the ARTicipate Endowment Fund has now dispersed a Fund total of $1,048,390 in 243 grants

The 2024-25 Season includes

To learn more about the recipients and their projects, visit

The interest earned on the Articipate Endowment Fund is distributed in the form of grants to Resident Arts Partners (Arts Network Ottawa, Gloucester Pottery School, MIFO, Ottawa School of Art – Orléans Campus and Ottawa School of Theatre), and as Articipate Project Grants to local artists and arts organizations that will present or exhibit their work in professional spaces at the Centre. Project Grant recipients use funding toward rehearsal and production costs, to enhance their creative team, to create original work or to support promotional efforts.

Curtis Gero
Marketing and Development Manager
T 613.580.2767
Alex Maltby
Program Manager